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All About Cavities

May 7, 2013

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If there is something which your dentist wants you to understand and care for deeply, then that would be keeping your teeth free from cavities. Cavities, even the tiniest ones, may seem harmless but they have the ability to make their way into the pulp region of your tooth and cause teeth sensitivity to an abscessed tooth. In essence, if you want to keep yourself from feeling all the pain and discomfort that comes with a decayed tooth, then you need to make sure that you don’t get cavities to begin with.

You won’t know that you have cavities.

One of the more popular dental myths is that you can feel if you small cavities that are forming. But given that the cavities are very small, even microscopic, there is really no possible way that you can detect these cavities all on your own. And if you think pain is an early sign of cavities, then you’re mistaken once more. When a small cavity has just formed, then you will not feel any sign of discomfort, not unless the cavity has burrowed its way deep into the tooth and has affected the pulp region already. And by that time, you may not be able to salvage your tooth anymore.

Regular check-ups can shed light on cavities.

So how can you find out if you have any existing cavities which need to be filled in? During your bi-yearly check-ups, the first thing which your dentist will look for are cavities. Your dentist does so with the help of a special tool that resembles a hook as well as a small mirror. While you may have to open your mouth for a number of minutes, the entire process of searching for cavities is not at all painful.

Fill ‘em up.

When your dentist finds cavities, he or she will then proceed to fill in these dental craters with the help of a special kind of dental resin. The procedure is started with the removal of decayed material which will often outline the cavity. Once all of the damaged tissues are removed, your dentist will then apply a special adhesive on the cavity before placing a composite resin material to fill in the cavity. Once the hole is substantially filled in, your dentist will expose the resin to a special bonding light which will enable the cement to harden. Once the entire procedure is done, the restoration should resemble the natural color of your teeth.

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